Junhild har gitt meg en hyggelig award, en Liebster Blog.
Junhild lager masse lekkert selv også, ta en titt da vel :)
Junhild has given me an award, Thank you so much, I really appreciate!
Please take a look over at Junhilds blog and all the gorgeous creations she make :)

Jeg er ment å gi denne videre til fem av mine venner der ute i
bloggland, og det er jo så VANSKELIG å velge seg ut noen få. Kriteriet
er under 200 følgere, og det snevrer jo inn utvalget noe :) Jeg har også
delt den ut to ganger før = enda færre :)
I am supposed to give the award to five of my friends in blogland, but it is so VERY HARD to choose just a few!A
criterion is to have less than 200 followers - wich narrows the range a
bit :) I also have given the award twice before = narrows the selection
even more :)
Denne gangen håper jeg at
This time I hope
Karin på Trollkatta's Scrapping
Sara at Sarham's little corner
Nicole på Scrapcard Addiction
Eva Marie på Eva Maries Univers
Tasha at Tasha's card heaven
vil ta imot denne påskjønnelsen for alt det flotte, inspirerende og kreative arbeidet dere gjør!
will accept this award for all their great, inspiring and creative work!
Klem Kjersti :)
follow the guidelines below when accepting your Liebster Blog Award.
When one accepts the award they agree to:
1.Thank the person who gave them the award and link back to that person’s blog
2.Copy and paste the award to their blog (I linked my award to the one who gave it to me)
3.Reveal the next 5 blogs they have chosen to receive the award, commenting on their blog to break the happy news!
lastly, hope the artists nominated will do the above and keep the award
going by accepting
and awarding “The Liebster Blog Award” to 5 special
bloggers that they too would like to honor.
3 kommentarer:
Oh thank you so much for this =)) You´re so sweet!
Oooh you're so sweet. Thanks so much. I'll wear it with pride!! Hugs, Nicole
Åhh så hyggelig av deg Kjersti :-) Tusen Takk skal du ha!
Må bare si med en gang at du lager de lekreste kreasjoner :-)
Sommerklem fra Karin :-)
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